3rd Voice Vattu Rice Boy Order of Tales
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Island Book, Island Book: the Infinite Land, and Island Book: the Rising Tide are a trilogy of middle-grade fantasy-adventure graphic novels I made with First Second Books. They form a single complete story about three kids encountering a transcendently mysterious sea monster and dealing with the repercussions of that discovery. The first book is pretty self-contained though. They came out in 2019, 2021, and 2022. These are in print and available as 8 x 8 inch hardcovers from First Second, or really a lot of places books can be bought at.

Vattu is composed of four print books in full: The Name & the Mark, The Sword & the Sacrament, The Tower & the Shadow, and The River. These have been self-published in print, with significant infrastructural help from Topatoco, who currently sells the books. The fourth print book is in production as of late 2022, though of course you can read the whole thing here for free. All four books have 6 by 9 inch paperback and hardcover versions with identical interiors.

Rice Boy has been self-published in a variety of similarly-designed paperbacks, and one long-ago hardcover version. In like 2007 I had a tiny number of print-on-demand editions of the first two books (under 100 pages each) of it printed, too. The first book was published in Finnish once. It is currently in print with and available from Iron Circus Comics as a 6 by 9 inch paperback.

Order of Tales has been self-published in a single all-in-one edition, which is still available through Topatoco but there aren’t that many left and I don’t know about reprinting it as a self-published thing. This edition has both paperback and hardcover 6 by 9 inch versions. Years ago it was self-published in very limited editions of the three "books" that compose it: The City of Shells, The Hand of Stone, and The Tower of Smoke.

The Harrowing of Hell is a 120-page self-contained graphic novel that came out in 2021. It’s available as an 8 by 10 inch hardcover from Iron Circus Comics.

Moby-Dick is a book I illustrated and designed for print; I had a nice enormous hardcover printed with Topatoco in 2018. There’s around 60 illustrations in it and it’s still available.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is another book I did that for. It’s a 6 by 9 inch hardcover with very nearly one hundred full-color illustrations of various sizes. Also still available through Topatoco.

Last Delivery (workingly titled Mansion X) is a surreal horror graphic novel of around 140 pages that I have FINISHED and that is coming out from Iron Circus Comics sometime soon.

All contents copyright 2006-2025 Evan Dahm. Some rights reserved.
3rd Voice logotype by Andriy Lukin.